Sunday, February 8, 2009

Healthier Living Restored Jesus Gospel #1

-------Original Message-------

From: Tom Osmond
Date: 1/18/2009 6:20:42 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Healthier Living Restored Jesus Gospel #1

Dear Gentle Reader,

This picture is our Prophet Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

I have been attending the Gospel principle class at the Mormon church. It is a nickname in behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We got from the Book of Mormon the last old prophet who had abridged the old records of the inhabitants in United States years years ago!

Anyway, we will go slowly as I carefully introduce you about the Restored gospel that restored in this dispensation of time.

It was that time that the Mormon church had erected or started in 1830.

We have both the Bible and the Book of Mormon that testify the testaments of our Lord Jesus.

But to prevent confusion, let's start the class I am attending. It is the Doctrine and Covenants. It is "One of the volumes of scripture included in the standard works of the Church. The Doctrine and Covenants is a collection of modern-day revelations and inspired declarations given by God to the Church through the Prophet Joseph Smith and other latter-day Presidents of the Church. The Doctrine and Covenants is divided into sections, and into verses within those sections. A reference in the Doctrine and Covenants may look like this: Doctrine and Covenants 9:7-9, or D&C 9:7-9."

To me it is 'appropriate' to discuss this from time to time then you will know what to react in this troubled world. Then we can talk about the Restoration of Christ' true church. (His timed ministry as He set up His church introduction as The Church of Jesus Christ before His death on earth)

It is time to Look Up or Heed to prophet Joseph Smith's words through our Christ. See the attachment during the visitation of God the Father and His son.

That animated picture created by the painter was age 14 when he sincerely asked for help to answer his prayer in the grove of trees not far from Joseph's farm. It was located in New York.

Answering his solution that he should join none of the churches.

He was born in 1805.

Church was organized in 1830 of April 6th. He was martyred by the mobs in 1844. (True Story!) - Note: Will send 'what Joseph wrote' which I am the process of typing from to be sent in two weeks as its attachment.

Anyway, I have taken the course in my Sunday School class to study Joseph's updated inspirations given by our Lord Jesus Christ.

We ourselves including me the Lord said: "Precept Upon Precept" "Line Upon Line" It means to study 'one at a time' and you will be totally amazed to Christ's teachings, "His Words" to Joseph Smith our old prophet!

Thank you for your time to read what I have written!

Sincerely yours,

Tom Osmond, member of the Osmond family

P.S. As for issue #2 I will send you the Doctrine and Covenants' introduction before we go deep to portion 1. Then later to portion 2 and so forth. If we do so, I promise you that you will have Peace and Comfort with warm feelings!

Happy Reading.

My advice: Say prayer in your heart before you study. Tell me your spiritual experience. You will have Joy and Peace to get ready before the Saviour comes during His dreadful days! (Trouble World which this earth has never experience before!)

So, follow my footstep and You will have Joy what I already bear!!

As soon as the portions are being completed I will send you the Chronology as Church history as well as its maps.

Have patience. Be sure to read them (the portions) and you will HAVE KNOWLEDGE TO UNDERSTAND! (just what I had previously had written above, "Warmth Feeling!"

Books known as STANDARD WORKS OF THE CHURCH as follows:

Bible - One of the volumes of scripture included in the standard works of the Church. The Holy Bible is divided into two main books: the Old Testament, which contains a history of God’s people before the birth of Jesus Christ, and the New Testament, which is a record of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and His disciples. Each of these books is broken up into smaller books, which are divided into chapters and verses. A reference from the Bible may look like this: Matthew 7:21.

Book of Mormon - A volume of scripture included in the standard works of the Church. The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is a collection of writings and teachings of the ancient prophets and followers of Jesus Christ who lived in the Americas from approximately 590 B.C. To 421 A.D. The Prophet Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by divine inspiration from gold plates that he received from the angel Moroni. Books in the Book of Mormon are named after the prophets who kept the records, such as Nephi, Mosiah, Alma, and Mormon. A reference from the Book of Mormon may look like this: Alma 37:35-37.

Doctrine and Covenants - One of the volumes of scripture included in the standard works of the Church. The Doctrine and Covenants is a collection of modern-day revelations and inspired declarations given by God to the Church through the Prophet Joseph Smith and other latter-day Presidents of the Church. The Doctrine and Covenants is divided into sections, and into verses within those sections. A reference in the Doctrine and Covenants may look like this: Doctrine and Covenants 9:7-9, or D&C 9:7-9.

Pearl of Great Price - One of the volumes of scripture included in the standard works of the Church. The Pearl of Great Price includes extracts from Joseph Smith’s Translation (inspired version) of the Bible as well as a translation of some Egyptian papyri containing the writings of the prophet Abraham, excerpts from Joseph Smith’s testimony and history, and the Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A reference from the Pearl of Great Price may look like this: Moses 5:19.

God is your Father in Heaven. He knows you personally. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and your Savior. His life and teachings are the way to peace and happiness.

By the Way! Please check-in: - Look for True story or Experience of Prophet Joseph Smith's.

Also my understanding from the Lord's fulfillment to him about our Last Days as protection before He comes before us!

"And I have sent forth the fullness of my gospel by the hand of my servant Joseph" See in Doctrine and Covenants 35:17

My Testimony:
As you embrace the gospel that Joseph Smith restored to this earth over a century ago, your home will be blessed. It is my sincerest hope that peace and happiness be with you and your family throughout our life.

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